Friday, May 1, 2009

le confusede artiste

So, I've been trying to decide what to do when I grow up. I'm 33, with a husband, a kid and a hefty mortgage, but I still haven't really decided what I want to do with my life!
When I finished high school there was no doubt in my mind, I was going to be an artist (or, ahem, artiste!)it was pretty much my life, drawing and sculpting, I'd forget to sleep sometimes, too busy drawing! Then, life interfered, in a big way, and here I am, an arsenal of odd jobs in my bag, a fair few languages rolling around in my head and a desperate need for some roots.
I think I've pretty much got the roots down, home is where the heart is and all that, as for the rest, I feel completely lost!
The reason for bringing all this up, well, I'm seriously thinking about going to school, and not just a couple of fiddly courses either, we're talking full blown, (also, full time, GAH) art school, student loan and all.
I feel pretty apprehensive about this decision, not only because i haven't exactly been very prolific with the drawing (or anything, really) lately, but also because I don't know if I can do this. I mean, It's been years since I could immerse myself in something like that, and for a long time now I haven't manage to finish anything I've started, sure, I have many different excuses, and some of them perfectly valid, you know, slipped disc, hernia, CHILDBIRTH, but, to be perfectly honest, I'm also just pretty damn lazy and also very easily distracted! Side note; what the frack is it with me and the exclamation marks, they are like an evil addiction! See, did it again! Oh, crap..........
Aaanyway, this art school is pretty expensive and a student loan is a big commitment, but I want this, at least I think I do, oh man. I still have to get in, to the school I mean, I have to turn in a portfolio of sorts, and I think that's a big part of what I find so damn scary, what if I don't get in, will that mean that it's just not for me? And that's the thing you see, if I don't get in I probably wont try again and I don't really believe I'll get in and so why even try, right!
I'm running around in circles, being a total worry wort and I'm going to stop now, it's good to blab about it though, specially since the computer can't roll it's eyes back at you!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

taking a stand

It's been almost five months since my last entry and the reason for the time lapse is basically the fact that all I have is leather-rinse-repeat, no change at all! Could've written that last entry yesterday, and frankly that just sucks, in fact, it sucks fat diarrhetic camels ass!

So from now on I've decided that yes, I will mention it if I'm sick, but I'm going to try and ignore it a bit, at least in writing. I want my blog to be about my life and I don't want my life to be all about the snot, cause it's not. So there, take that evil infected head!