Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Am giving it another go, trying this again or some such crap, that's what I was going to say, but really, everyone knows I'll write this and maybe a couple more entry's and then I'll forget all about it again!

Life is good, hectic, painful and troublesome but mostly good. Kid is growing by leaps and bounds, learning a new word every minute and just basically going from baby to big boy at an alarming rate.

Since my last entry everything has been pretty much turned upside down, we moved out of our much renovated and not even quite finished apartment, which was kinda sad but also really really good. Suffice it to say we had the neighbours from hell and getting rid of them was worth all the hassle.

We now live almost downtown again, in the same area where we rented our first apartment together, and I can tell you it feels like coming home again after being lost in the desert/wilderness/frozen tundra or some other barren nowhere you can think of. Our new place is great, we're still getting settled of course, but this one is definitely for keeps, I think we might grow old here, and it's a good feeling, very calming.

I have been doing ok, I guess, slipped disk, hernia, operation, physical therapy, pneumonia and various other "my boy just started playschool " ailments aside, things are looking up, finally. I just have to figure out how somebody like me does normal exercise, in order to build up a little bit of strength and muscle. Normally I would just go to the gym, workout and maybe think, "man I sure am in bad shape, I should do this more often." At the moment it's more like, "I've just carried my kid up these few steps, hang on for five minutes while I catch my breath, oh and could you just hand me my lungs, they fell out on the fifth step, I think!" So I'm sort off stuck between overdoing it and not doing it at all (the latter bit involves a lot of cake).

I'm going to stop now, keeping it short and sweet in the hopes of more to come.

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